Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Chicken Pitas with Cream Cheese and Dill

I got this recipe from Cara and Clarence. It's very much "to taste" according to your personal preference--I like a lot of dill and a lot of garlic powder, so I adjust accordingly. The great thing is it's also great as leftovers for lunch the next day. Here is the recipe as I got it from my sister.

Chicken Pitas with Cream Cheese and Dill

Recipe makes 6 pitas


-Pitas (find the kind that's in the refrigerated section by the cheese)
-1-2 chicken breasts, diced (adjust according to how much you want)
-1 red onion
-Romaine lettuce
-sliced olives
-1 lime
-2-3 tomatoes, depending on how much you want
-8 oz cream cheese
-dill, to taste
-garlic powder
-black pepper


Season the chicken with plenty of garlic powder, a little bit of salt, and a good amount of black pepper. You can either fry it in a pan with a little olive oil or grill it.

To make the cream cheese spread: Put the cream cheese in a bowl and add the juice of 1/2 lime to 1 lime, depending on your taste. Add a liberal amount of dried or fresh dill, again according to taste. (We definitely want the dill to stand out so we add a lot.) Add a small amount of juice from the olives. Add a dash of garlic powder, to taste. You want just enough of the lime juice and olive juice to make the cream cheese easy to mix, but it will still have a cream cheese consistency. You also want the mix to taste salty, but not overwhelmingly so.

Wrap the pitas in a towel and heat in the microwave for about 30 seconds.

Spread as much of the cream cheese onto the pita as you'd like. More is definitely better.

Top with the chopped chicken, lettuce, onion, tomatoes, and sliced olives.
